"...but the process of living is an art as well as a science, with strands of love and sorrow and resilience woven into each person's unique tapestry."

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

This is a Cecropia Moth. They are so cool. They can have a wing span of 5 to 6 inches. This guy (and yes we know it's a boy) has a wing span of about 5 1/2. The girl moth emits pheromones at night (Oh, love is in the air da da da dada), which the fella moth can detect with his big bushy antennae. (That's how we know ours was a guy.) He will then fly in search of her, miles if necessary. That is a lot of flapping for those wings. We kept him for the day in a jar.Releasing him in the evening,so he could find himself a little gal moth.

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Bickler3 said...

Your ALIVE...YOUR ALIVE!!! I was begining to wonder...! The moth is cool ! I am generally not a big fan but this one is pretty ! can't wait to see you on the 4th/7th...hee hee hee !!

Kristina said...

W-O-W!!! A new post! : )

Pretty moth, and BIG. I"m not a mothfan either, but this one is beautiful.

Looking forward to seeing you guys in acouple of weeks too. : )

Karen said...

That is incredible...God's creation is AMAZING. What detail and beauty.

Chickadeeva said...

Wow - that is simply GORGEOUS. I'm so glad you shared him with us!

Good to see a flicker of light coming from this way - big love,
