"...but the process of living is an art as well as a science, with strands of love and sorrow and resilience woven into each person's unique tapestry."

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Why is it when you finally find the flyswatter all the flies disappear?

Monday, August 29, 2005

Summer has been very busy and not left much time for posting. So many activities. So many projects. So many places to go! But summer is ending and school is starting next week for us. This year hold a few changes for us. We have signed up with "Parent Partnership" (sometimes called Home Link). It means we have registered our children in a near by school district. I still homeschool the kids but big daddy government now gets to look over my shoulder. I meet with a certified teach twice a month to go over how we are doing. The benefit to me is they will reimburse the cost our curriculum and other school need that are covered in this program. The school district is small and many of the people involved are Christians. This will allow us to do some things we have not had the money for. It will also allow us to get the books I have wanted and our library does not have. I'll just need to cover the cost of the bookshelves.