"...but the process of living is an art as well as a science, with strands of love and sorrow and resilience woven into each person's unique tapestry."

Monday, January 09, 2006

Church Doodle


Bickler3 said...

Doodling again ?!?!Shouldnt you be taking notes?!?! Or shoutin Amen! Boy you didn't learn nothin at JC did ya??

Anonymous said...

OK, who is it.

elisa said...

It's just from my imagination and the freedom of my hand.

Sundee I was paying attention. I cut off all the notes I took. If there is one thing I learned at JC it was note taking. But I doodled back then too. Especially towards the end of a three hour message!

Karen said...

'Lis, you make me smile.

Mom2the6Rs said...

You are beautiful...

Bickler3 said...

lol, well at least you weren't sleeping!!

Chickadeeva said...

I totally am going to have you design a tattoo for me if you don't stop this :-) You're getting really good!1

Anonymous said...

WHat is it?

Jimmy Lee said...

I have to laugh at the 3 hr message Lis. I was just sharing with someone how he would tell me how to do the sound board in the middle of his messgaes. Like shut up I dont tell ya how to preach dont tell me how to run sound like ok !!!


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! »