"...but the process of living is an art as well as a science, with strands of love and sorrow and resilience woven into each person's unique tapestry."

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Our Kitty hates TP. It's the enemy! He'd kill a roll night if he could.

Bad Kitty!

Another wounded roll.

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Bickler3 said...

You can never be to careful.....those rolls of TP sit there looking all inncent and white.....it's always the ones you least suspect! Good thing you have an attack cat who can protect you from that hidden evil....

Chickadeeva said...


Yes, that cat is doing a good job.

Well done kitty - saving all those hineys.

Karen said...

You know, we can make life better by lightening up the heavy things in life...

Good job, Lis. The presence of mind to take pictures and make quips...I probably would have said a regrettable word and once again threatened the cat's future existence.

Thanks for the smile.

Mom2the6Rs said...

My dog hates cords...cords to electric fans...cords to vacuum cleaners...cords to Kareoke machines...he does sneak attacks at night or when he is unsupervised...he is now kenneled at night and I have a new vacuum that I guard with MY very life.

Man's best friend?? Well, in the case of my vacuum, I really, really needed a new one, so he scored big on that one.


elisa said...

Okay, Sundee and Elicia you MISSED THE POINT!! He is a BAD KITTY. I LIKE TP!! How am I supposed to "finish my paper" work with scrapes and bits of TP?? Huh??? Huh??
TP is not evil!!