"...but the process of living is an art as well as a science, with strands of love and sorrow and resilience woven into each person's unique tapestry."

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Friday afternoon I ran from my room to screams in the living room. Soph was holding her face. As I went to inspect the damage I asked the other two, Si and Ad, how it happened. Soph was jumping on the couch and fell, face first, into the coffee table. All of a sudden Soph blurts out Addey made me. At this her hand came down and the amount of blood shocked me for a moment. I quickly recovered and sent kids to get the usual stuff. I got the blood under control relative fast. And realized she had a nasty gash on the upper corner of her mouth. Now the hard decision, does she need stitches? It was about 4:30 so by the time I got to the town the Clinic would be closed and I’d need to take her to the ER. Combined with the fact that it was on the corner of her mouth, gapping pretty bad and the amount of talking she can do. I wasn’t she I could mend it, so we drove to the hospital. She ended up with two stitches and a couple of shots, and a stuffed bear from the nurse.Not to mention a Happy Meal with a milkshake from me. All better.

Today I found her standing on the edge on the couch preparing for a jump. Yikes, apparently lesson not learned!

Well it has finally happened. One of my kids has contracted the chicken pox. None of my kids have had them, not even Tirz or Em. Silas has mad it through but poor Tirz is right in the thick of it. The other girls have not shown any signs … yet.